Thursday, May 21, 2009

Word on the Street, Ms. Blueberry is Who Oatmeal Wants to Meet

As soon as you let blueberries into your oatmeal pot for some mixing and mingling, you're sure to never go back (and they won't want to either). This combination tastes as good, if not better, than blueberry pancakes; And who doesn't love blueberry pancakes?

Blueberries are one of the most beneficial fruits of which you could add to your diet. They rate among the highest in antioxidant levels. A study done by Tufts University rated blueberries to be the highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals. They are relatively low-Cal, but high in vitamins. And when obtained in season, their sweet taste is one that very few foods can beat.

Like I've mentioned before, oatmeal is also a super healthy way to start your day. Oats a great source of insoluble and soluble fiber (a prime component of food that makes you feel full). Because of its insoluble fiber, oatmeal is said to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). Oatmeal also helps to stabilize blood sugar, and has been shown to help reduce heart disease. Similarly to blueberries, oats contain beneficial antioxidants, such as selenium which is associated with reducing the risk of cancer.

The list of health benefits that both oatmeal and blueberries provide could go on and on. Put these two powerhouses together, and there's no way they couldn't do anything but boost your body's vitality.

To make blueberry oatmeal (2-3 servings):
-1 cup of old-fashioned oats
-2/3 to 1 cup of blueberries, washed
-Maple Syrup
-1 tsp. Sesame Tahini (optional)

Place one cup of oats with 2 cups of water in a pan. Bring the water to a boil, then place the lid on the pan. Turn the heat to low, and simmer for 10-15 minutes (personal discretion as to how done you prefer your oatmeal). Add the blueberries and cook until just a few start to burst and melt into the oatmeal (about 2-5 minutes). Place oatmeal into a bowl and stir in the sesame tahini if desired (this will add creaminess to the oatmeal). Drizzle maple syrup on top. Voila!

This breakfast tastes best when blueberries are in season. The oatmeal will be sweeter and will require less sugary maple syrup needed on top. Lucky for me, summer is on it's way, bringing its ripening powers with it. Bluberries should arrive around the end of June/ beginning of July, roughly two months away! You may want to add a few walnuts/almonds/etc. to round out this meal and add some extra protein to your breakfast.

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